Are you ready to reignite the joy in learning through playful creativity?

Conceptor | Educator | Writer | Designer-illustrator | Maker

For too long learning experiences have become formulaic and outdated, a tick-box exercise, treated like another task on the never-ending to-do list.


The whole point learning is to grow minds, develop skills and encourage exploration and experimentation. That is where innovation and creativity lies. It cannot be achieved with overly strict criteria and tight constraints.

Traditional, well-worn methods lead to traditional answers, so it’s time for a different approach to learning.

One of storytelling, variety, immersive experiences, crafts, and the unexpected.

Of beautiful design underpinned by solid educational research and theory.

Of relatable, applicable information that encourages action.

Of resources and books that ignite imagination and inspire minds.

I work with creative and educational businesses that care about the experiences they create for their audience - whether small or ‘big’ kids - and want to:

  • break away from the ‘normal’ (read: boring) way of doing things and outdated educational practices

  • create fun, engaging learning and development experiences for children and adults alike

  • get clarity on executing a fabulous idea

  • spread more raucous joy and positive impact in the world - whether that’s for people, planet or yourself.

“If you've got big ideas but don't know how to move forward, Helen is the compass to point you north”

Catherine Jones, Clean Slate Copywriting

My services

  • I specialise in creating the design and concepts for informational and educational products, including books, games, toolkits, infographics, learning resources, and online learning.

    And not just your typical products - I’ll use a lot of upside-down+back-to-front thinking to ensure they are steeped in storytelling, creative thinking, immersion, and positive mindset development. I love adding puns, humour and wit too if that’s your thing.

    If you have a glimmering but wonky gem of an idea I will turn it into something wonderful and playful.

  • I have always adored children’s and illustrated non-fiction books. I am fascinated by how storytelling and information is transformed into captivating visuals and admittedly, I hero-worship book illustrators.

    If you have a non-fiction or children’s book that needs illustrating (about the environment, animals, health, or well-being in particular), I’d love to chat with you about it.

  • I can work as your sidekick to help you move forward in your project or business. Beware, you’ll be encouraged to be open, dig deep, and make a mess of it all!

    Whether you’re looking to change direction, bring more creativity into your business, increase the role of pay and exploration or just get out of a rut - I can help give you the motivational kick up the wotsit.

“Coaching with Helen was a complete gamechanger for me. After every session I'd come away filled with clarity and enthusiasm”

— Emma Stenhouse, Copywriter

Want to know more?

UnlikelyGenius is based on 4 core principles:

But wait…who do I work with?

Not just anyone is getting in, I’ve become a picky little pickle lately.

I work with wondrous humans who:

  • want to make life better for others

  • embrace individual passions, emotions, and the differences each of us brings to the table

  • want to create inclusive learning experiences that don’t single people out

  • don’t always get things right, but they will at least try and aren’t afraid to make mistakes

  • keep an open mind to new ways of doing things

  • believe none of us are perfect, but that we’re all blinking marvellous in our own little ways

  • want to change lives or at least make it a little easier - for themselves AND others

  • respect this glorious planet of ours and want to take action - whether big or small - to safeguard its future

If this is you, give me a shout, you glorious pumpkin you.

Current clients & collaborations:

“Helen provided a coaching session to guide me through my next stage of business development. I came away with pages and pages of ideas that I can't wait to put into action now. Her resources, experience and coaching style provides a perfect base for growing your business”

Laura Smith, Ella St Communications


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